Lazy Days of Summer – July Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
It seems every year about this time, the temperatures rise and my creativity sinks. So I play my once a year lazy summer card and send out an update with no big idea or moving topic. But as I put this together, a little bit of a big idea did emerge. It’s the idea of plain and simple fun. Something we don’t get enough of, and unfortunately too often, forget to enjoy when we have it. So no big essay this month. Just a bunch of pictures to make you smile and hopefully remind you to enjoy some fun whenever it comes your way.

And of Course…Adoptions!!
The traffic over in the cat cottages keeps on moving this month. Piper, Arabella, and Mr. Babs all found their forever homes, while we were joined by Sparkles, Neptune, Tabasco, and new mama cat Noodles.
Piper Arabella Mr. Babs Sparkles Neptune Tabasco Noodles
On the dog side, Vinny was the second lucky tripod to find his way into a great home this year. And so, to fill back in some empty feeling doggy cottages, Whiskey, Ari, and Ragan came to join our canine crew this month.
Vinny Whiskey and Ari Ragan