A Tribute to Mojito

At around 12 years old, Mojito sadly lost her only owner after he passed away. The family wasn’t able to keep Mojito, and once her home was up for sale and quickly purchased, Mojito had nowhere else to go. We were quickly contacted for assistance and we’re grateful to have found space at our Sanctuary to welcome Mojito in August of 2023.

Upon arrival, Mojito was a bit wary of her new environment, but quickly settled into her new room within a few days. She lived an indoor/outdoor lifestyle in her previous home and absolutely loved the catio connected to her room at the Sanctuary! In August, the summer weather was still peaking and Mojito was taking full advantage of enjoying the safely secured area all to herself! Though she was reaching her senior sweetheart years, Mojito didn’t let her age slow her down! She loved all the fun toys and attention she received from staff and volunteers. She had a bit of a feisty side, especially living a portion of her life outside, and appreciated the enrichment and entertainment to keep her busy and having fun!

During Mojito’s first vet appointment with us, our vet discovered a heart murmur. She was a bit concerned with the grade of the heart murmur and recommended an echocardiogram to further investigate Mojito’s heart. An echocardiogram (ECHO) uses sound waves to show how blood flows through the heart and heart valves. Only after a month with us, Mojito underwent her ECHO and she was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. Sadly, Mojito’s prognosis was not great and the vet diagnosed her disease as very severe. She explained that Mojito was at high risk for the development of congestive heart failure, complications from blood clots or sudden cardiac death, though that wasn’t as common. The left ventricle of Mojito’s heart was severely thickened and couldn’t relax or pump properly, which might lead to buildup of fluid in her lungs and other health complications.

The news of Mojito’s condition was devastating. Even more so, because on the surface, Mojito didn’t show any signs of being affected by her diagnosis. She was happy, playful, and outgoing. Mojito was given medication to help her heart pump properly, and our staff got creative to find different ways for her to receive her important meds. The Cat Team kept Mojito under close observation to watch for symptoms or other signs of her condition progressing. With more information on Mojito’s health status, our Cat Team was determined to continue providing Mojito the best care and enriched life she deserved, no matter how much time she had left.

The months continued on and Mojito still never showed signs of slowing down! She still could play the day away and was even starting to work on clicker training with her human friends! As the weather started to get colder and with her exercise needs being met, Mojito was showing more of her sweet side. She would rub up against your legs or head-butt you for pets. Mojito would even jump up on your lap for pets and a nap, being affectionate and loving. We were very grateful to welcome in the New Year with Mojito as part of our Sanctuary family, celebrating a whole five months with this lovely girl. Yet as the year began, Mojito would occasionally have a loss of appetite or would periodically vomit. Still, she was always in good spirits, happy, and carefree.

Therefore, it was quite a shock when staff arrived one morning to find that Mojito had passed in her sleep overnight. Mojito never let her condition prevent her from enjoying life with her friends. She absolutely loved to play, be affectionate, and simply appreciated what each day had to bring. Similarly, we appreciated each day we had to share with our Mojito. We’re so grateful to have welcomed Mojito to our Sanctuary and into our hearts. Though her passing is difficult to accept, we’re glad to have been a part of her final chapter, full of happiness and love.


  1. Rose Goldsher on March 15, 2024 at 4:00 pm

    I loved spending time with Mojito. She truly was very sweet and affectionate when we were together. I will miss seeing her when I come again.