Nurturing Our Nature – August Sanctuary Update

Hi Everyone!

With 48 acres and 9 cottages, there’s lots to care for here. Thankfully, we have an amazing crew who are up for the challenge. As summer winds to a close, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to everyone who contributes to keeping this little slice of heaven beautiful.

Anyone coming out of Chelsea House will be greeted by the lovely scent wafting off of these lilies

First and foremost, there’s our yard care volunteer team. Whether it’s mowing, trimming, weeding, or mulching, they are here week in and week out putting in lots of tough work to not only keep things pretty, but also keep the vegetation under control so that the staff, volunteers, dogs, and occasionally the cats, can make their way easily around the grounds. A big thank you to Jeff, Adam, Michelle, Katie, Tanner, Sandy, and Deb. We really appreciate everything you do!

Jeff, master mower
Tanner has been putting in long hours in the hot sun
Garden guru Michelle hard at work!
Adam spends nights tucking in the dogs and days mowing the lawn

Of course, all of this work requires having someone at the helm helping things move along. That would be our Facilities Caretaker, Mario. In addition to doing lots of the yard work himself, Mario also keeps all of the equipment in good working order and all of our efforts well supplied. Mario also makes sure everything indoors is in good repair for everyone here. We are so grateful for everything Mario does behind the scenes to make our work with our furry friends possible!

Mario mowing
Neo is Mario’s little helper

And perhaps you’ve noticed on your visits here when new improvements suddenly pop up on the grounds, like the new walkway between the dog cottages and the forsythia hedge in progress next to Carson’s Play Yard. Those and many other big projects would be the result of our volunteer work groups that come by for team events. This year, we have benefitted from the help of corporate groups, such as Eversource, Catalina Re, and Voya Financial, UCONN groups, such as Alpha Phi Omega and the Animal Law Clinic, and local school and kids groups, such as the Mansfield Mustangs and Pomfret School. These amazing groups work so hard accomplishing things that we could never do without them. We are so grateful for them!!

The Eversource group poses with our animal sculpture
Voya Financial hard at work constructing the pathway between the dog cottages

So, as you can see, keeping the sanctuary the natural wonderland it is can be a monumental task. But with the help of our regular volunteers and our community supporters, the job gets done, and the mission of helping the animals in need here keeps moving forward. Thank you all so much!!

Rosie’s Roundup

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been noticing a little bit more chaos than usual around here this month and been hearing mention of “vacation season” in August. Well, I hope you all got yourselves good and rested, because, with the arrival of September, it’s time to get back to work!! Yes, as summer fun fades in the rearview, the fall brings with it a return to routines and regular schedules. So why not bring some of that order and dedication to your time at the sanctuary? Setting yourself up with a regular volunteer shift on a predictable schedule is not only great for your own personal piece of mind, but it gives the staff here routine help they can count on and makes you a regular and trusted part of the animals lives. I know that I really value seeing the same faces and the same laps week after week. And if you’re already on a regular schedule of once or twice a month, maybe see if there’s space in your schedule and the volunteer calendar to bump up to something more frequent. You won’t regret it!

See you soon!


And of Course…Adoptions!!

As it is every year, August has been a bit of a slow month for movement in or out of the sanctuary. However, what we lacked in quantity, we made up for in special-ness, as long time dog resident Milo went home with his staff snuggle partner Alyssa! And returning sweetie Fleetwood went home as quick as she came in. And now that Suzanne’s Place is up and running, we can talk about small animal action. We welcomed bunny couples Bonnie and Clyde and Marceline and Waffles this month, guinea pig Lando, and rat pack Pinky, Brain, Pepper, and Scrappy.

Unfortunately, in what will likely be a regular part of working with our fragile small animal friends, we had to say goodbye to Chloe, Little Girl, and Chuckles this month. It’s a tough reality of these critters, but the work of seeing them thrive during their time here is more than worth it.

Welcome, Bonnie & Clyde!
Welcome, Marceline!
Welcome, Waffles!
Welcome, Lando!
Welcome, Brain, Pinky, Pepper, & Scrappy!
Good luck, Fleetwood, now Calliope!
Good luck, Milo!
Rest in peace, Little Girl
Rest in peace, Chuckles
Rest in peace, Chloe

Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.

Jon Phillips

Sanctuary Director

[email protected]