Be a Voice for Animals (It’s Easier Than You Think)!

Connecticut is, without a doubt, a state that cares about animals. Our Companions’ members and volunteers are living proof, and so are the multitudes of citizens who may not play an active role in animal welfare causes, but who support the humane treatment of animals. Whenever an animal cruelty case is publicized, we hear an outcry from concerned neighbors, friends, and co-workers.

However, according to the 2010 Animal Legal Defense Fund’s “State Animal Protection Law Rankings,”Connecticut is only 35th in the nation in overall strength and comprehensiveness of animal laws.  Animal rescue organizations have been operating for centuries, yet the problem of animal suffering persists because the laws that protect animals are in need of dramatic improvement.

There is a way that caring people can get more involved, not only when there is a high-profile case, but also whenever a bill that affects animals is pending in Hartford. There is no more powerful way to advocate for animals than to be a voice in the legislative process. Our lawmakers’ job is to listen to the constituents, and the voters who show up in numbers are the ones who are heard. Showing up may not necessarily mean leaving home. Phone calls, emails, and written testimony from voters are just as important as attending a hearing in person. It’s the number of people speaking out on an issue that gets attention and results in victories.